Meadows Wellness – Awarded Best Dermat Clinic


Acne & Acne Scar is very manageable if you get to the best acne clinic in NORTH India

All You Know About

Dermapen - Micro Needling

What is Derma Pen?
Derma Pen is a form of micro-needling that dermatologists recommend for various skin conditions, including depressed acne scars, surgical scarring, wrinkles, stretch marks, and more. The procedure involves tiny micro punctures on the skin with tiny, sterile needles in a unique, spring-loaded needle tip for safe, controlled treatment and enhanced results. It increases the production of collagen. The collagen breaks down the fibrous tissue and replaces it with regular tissue leaving your skin revitalized and blemish-free.

Micro needling - Derma Roller

How Does Derma Pen work?
Inserting micro-needles into the skin causes minor trauma that promotes the deeper layer of skin, known as the dermis, to rebuild itself by producing more collagen. Collagen is a protein that makes your skin appear firm, elastic, and youthful. You lose collagen as you age, as well as when your skin is injured by acne, surgical incisions, or over-stretching from pregnancy or weight gain.
The Derma Pen tip can be adjusted from 0.25mm to 2.5mm to cater to individual skin conditions and treatment areas, providing an innovative, effective, and affordable skin rejuvenation option for patients.
It’s important to understand that Derma Pen is not a quick fix. While you may notice your skin starting to look and feel younger after just a few days, subtle improvements will continue to appear for several weeks and even months. You may require multiple treatment options to achieve optimal results.

Benefits of Derma Pen
Micro needling / Derma Pen procedures can be combined with a variety of other treatments and serums to provide maximum effectiveness of the benefits of the collagen inducing micro injuries caused during the procedures. A combination of PRP & Derma Pen because they want to create a more flawless skin appearance. Here are the benefits of choosing this treatment option for acne scars:
• Safe for all skin types, textures, and pigments: This includes thin and sensitive skin as well as dark skin that may not be eligible for some laser treatments.
• Minimal discomfort: Derma Pen’s vertical stamping needles penetrate the skin without creating damaging trenches that rolling micro-needling devices leave behind. This reduces pain, bleeding, and recovery time.
• Virtually no downtime: While you may experience minimal tenderness and redness for one to three days, you can return to work within an hour, wearing makeup as a camouflage until your skin fully heals. This differs from other more invasive skin therapies that require longer recovery times.
• Only minor aftercare required: Avoid direct sun exposure, vigorous exercise, and exfoliating products for a few days. Other than these tips, simply follow your usual skincare routine as the treatment area rebuilds itself with increased collagen production.

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